Sunday, July 17, 2011

Phobia of things growing inside holes?

You would die of heart failure if I could show you what's covering every inch of your skin. But we all need it in order to survive this world. BILLIONS AND BILLIONS of microscopic bugs and bacteria that multiply quickly to protect us from the outside elements. When we shower we wash off a lot of dead skin cells but within an instant we are once again covered by billions of tiny microscopic bacteria that cluster on our skin and move around at a rate on our face and entire body that would make it seem like it's a rolling river. It's true. These bacteria are friendly and protect us. Remember that. Not all this nasty stuff about swiss cheese and fungus infested big pores you want everyone to google. At night when we sleep the bugs in our anal glands come out to play. And so does the LONG caterpillar like creature that lives on our eyelids. I have put my own drop of sweat under a powerful microscope and damn near fell out my chair. I don't go to public gyms anymore.

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