Monday, July 18, 2011

Is there something wrong if your 16 n not fully gone throught puberty?

im 16 and im too embarred to ask my mom or doctors about this but is there something wrong with me or my body if im 16 and i dont really have big breast and my nipples have not even come out yet! i feel stupid like im the only girl whos going through this is it something wrong with my body!

Canadian working in the USA (Work Permit)?

I'm a Canadian, working for a Canadian company that has hired a company within the USA to produce a product for us. I'm paid by the Canadian company, and I travel to the United States to go over the functional requirements of our product with the United States company. At the border today, I was questioned about my involvement, and I explained this flow to the border agent, but I'm not sure he fully understood. He asked if I had a letter from my Canadian company, and I handed over the signed letter from our CEO explaining my role in the company as well as the need for me to travel to the United States to oversee work done by our supplier. He granted me the B1 Visa and said the next time I cross the border, I will probably have to provide more documentation or to acquire a work permit otherwise I may be refused entry. I've done some reading on work permits, and it seems to involve being a Canadian getting hired by an American company, which is not the situation I'm in. I'm a Canadian working for a Canadian company that is interfacing with an American company to receive a product by the American company. Based on the flow that I've explained, could someone please provide a source that goes over all the different types of work permits/Visas and what type of documentation I should always have with me at the border? (Such as Bank statements, recurring bills, Canadian Rental/Lease/Mortgage agreements, other?)

Is asking Henry Kissinger to clean up corruption like asking Saddam Hussein to oversee human rights abuses?

If we ever needed proof that Blatter is corrupt, biased, and steeped in cronyism, well.... we have it now.

What stores can i go to to find this?

i found these flat rectangular sponges in a bin at my house that you cut then when immersed in water the sponge that puffs up. I used them all up, but i dont know where to find them. I looked online at Hobby Lobby and Michaels, but when i search it just gives my regular sponges? help.

Please help with American Government?

What do you think the answers are? Have a go, then other people will help you if you're having trouble with a few.

Lethargic hermit crab?

He is probably sick if not just being lazy, can't go to the vet with it. But if you lose him sorry and might wanna try hermit sponge for them to drink with sorry and hope it works

Do you think he likes me? i dont knkow what to do! please help?

Ok so last year i kinda liked this guy (we will name him joe) joe. In the very begining of this year, i still did but then i met his best friend and i was absolutley in love with him. (lets name the friend bob) i really thought bob liked me... i really did. Then i found out he liked a different girl and i didnt do anything about it. a month later he asked her out. That made me really sad and i couldnt take seeing them together. After a couple months im mostly over bob and i like joe again. Now, dejavu, i find out he likes a different girl... he didnt ask her out yet and he is really nice to me (he talks to me, tried to video tape me once, sits next to me in band even though his seat is on the other side of the room, and his frined wrote on a paper i had "joe likes you" and he looked embarred) and now idk what to do. What just happed is going to happen again and im gonna regret not doing anything about it like last time. Im really shy aroud the ppl i like but in general very outgoing. I cant tell him but i have to do something! please help me!!!

What happened to the liberalism of FDR and JFK?

We live in a corporatist fascist country now. Merging of state and corporate powers making it impossible to be a true liberal on the level of FDR or JFK. .

How Much $ do Oil Co.s spend on the 800 lobbyists they hire to keep Our Gov. in THEIR POCKETS?

The Special interests spent an unheard of $6 BILLION in the run up to last Nov. 2nd elections to make Americans believe that electing more of the Same Corporate puppets who for 8 yrs ran up the worst deficit spending in history, overseen the collapses of Wall Street, Banks ,Housing Market and this latest recession feeding our current Unemployment stats,, Started 2 unnecessary wars that cost over $3 trillion and a Rx drug plan Give away to the Drug Co.s Then passed THAT $4.3 TRILLION bill (deficit spending) on to the next President were the ones who would fix our spending problems. Now they are taking $Millions$ from lobbyists to keep the Welfare for the richest Co.s in the world flowing while they cut Grandma's heath care benefits across the country! The ? was How much do oil co. spend to keep this welfare flowing? Here is what I found..The CEOs from the five major oil companies -- which together booked $36 billion in profits in the first quarter ( 3 months) of 2011 alone -- went to the Senate yesterday to try to justify the $4 billion in tax giveaways they're receiving this year.(Because Bush made the subsidies LAW!) These five companies are expert manipulators of the money-for-influence game in Washington that the President is working to change. It's simple math -- they spent more than $145 million last year on nearly 800 lobbyists whose job is to defeat bills like this one. The $4 billion they'll likely get to keep as a result represents a 2,700% return on their investment.(Source ; White House)

Is my make up routine okay? good for the skin? not trashy?

I use a facewash in the shower and remove make up. Then when Im out I mousturize my entire face. I put my foundation on my palm to warm it up then i use a makeup sponge thing and put it on my face to even out my tone. I then add pencil eyeliner on my lower lid and in the corners, then I put on about 2 coats of mascara on upper and lower lids. I then use blush on my cheeks, brow bone, chin, nose, and forehead (lightly on it).

I dont know weather i like this boy or not?

I feel embarred when i look kinda messy and dont want him to see me and when he has girlfriends it really annoys me and i kinda feel gelous i think But before he asked me out and i said no because he really likes kissing and i havent had my first kiss before but i kinda think about him all the time but i turned him down when he wanted to kiss me i felt sick People say he is not the best looking in the world but i think he looks ok he has billions of girlfriends but not at the same time ,his relationships dont seem to last i dont know if he finishes them or they finish him i hate seeing him with his girlfriends and kinda feel embaressed when i have to tlk to him when his girlfriends are there he lives next door to my dad and i am best friends with his sister i am 13 years old do i fancie him or not is it just my hormoins This has been going on since april Help me plz

How to make white ready-roll icing brown?

That wouldn't work too well. Add some red and green (or Orange and very little black) food coloring- sparingly add black to darken. But red and green should be able to darken to a point- you want to get it to a deep shade or orange before you add the black. If all else, just make it lime green or pink- if you has the skills, you can make the colors swirls without mixing so much to give something of a tie dye effect.

Question on Government (In Your Opinion)?

I will answer #1. feds are not responsible for our morals but they are not responsible to shove immorality down our gullets either.

Some journalist said that Osama Bin Laden was the worst criminal since Hitler. What do you think?

Stalin survived Hitler and killed many more people. We don't know how many because the Soviets didn't keep records like the Germans did. Chairman Mao killed many of his citizens but we hardly ever hear about him. In more recent times, Idi Amin Dada oversaw the killing of at least 300,000 Ugandans, many by his own hand. And of course Pol Pot ordered the murder of at least 3,000,000 Cambodians. And let's not forget the countless Vietnamese civilians who were killed at the order of Richard Nixon. It seems to me that Osama Bin Laden is small potatoes compared to these orher guys. But maybe some people value American lives over other people. I am really interested in your opinions.

Pregnancy Symptoms,Short light Period, Getting Negative Results?

u can wait about another 2 weeks and retest just be sure..stress can throw u off ur mentrual cycle and since pregnancy has a million and one symptoms its very hard to determine what can be causing this aside from pregnancy.. if u dont want to wait make an apt with ur gyn and take a blood test .. good luck

I am sick with a chest cold. How do I entertain my healthy two year old?

I have a really bad chest cold. I am really weak and am struggling to stay awake. I also have a healthy active two year old. I have had the tv on most of the morning but I hate letting him watch to much. Does anyone have any ideas on how to keep my toddler busy. I know I cannot fall asleep but maybe I can find a quiet activity I can oversee. PS He is all colored out.

I got hit by a car today and lived should i tell my parents?

hey it was like any normal day school finished and i was walking home with my mate when the sun got in my eyes and loads of school people were behind me and the sun got in my eyes and my mate was on the right of me and WACKKK i did'nt fall over or anything i was like lieing on the bonet of the car and i saw the people inside it and they were about 20-21 and they were laughing and everyone else was laughing i got really embarrased and i was in shock and i walked down the hill trying to act normal and when i got home my leg was killing me and my family were all like whats wrong with you and all that and my mum asked me whatswrong but i am too scared t tell her what happened i feel quite embarred what should i do??

I am embarred that i ask the wrong person out?

just the other day i post a question about being shy an asking this grl out and they told me to dunt be afraid and i was not but instead asked the friend out and the friend said no and called me ugly rite in front of the girl i liked . so now i am embarrased that the girl might not like me cause of her friend

Teen water fight ideas for 2 people?

Me and my bestfriend are both teens and are gunna have a sleepover. The problem is, my parents have to work so we have no transportation anywhere. We decided to have a water fight. We want it to stay fun but we cant invite anyone else. (except my little sister) . We have balloons, buckets, sponges,guns, etc. but we dont know what to do where it wont get boring. Anyone have any game ideas? Thanks so much!

Why does the Free Market find it impossible to effectively deal with Vitamin producers who lie on their labels?

That's not a free market fail, that's a "trusting government to fact-check things for you" fail. In a truly free market, people would stop buying from companies they couldn't trust in favor of purchasing from trustworthy companies. The untrustworthy ones would go out of business, and the trustworthy ones would prosper.

Why are Catholic priests forbidden to marry?

I agree with that. The vow of celibacy should be optional. Seriously, maybe a lot of those abuse scandals would never have happened if the sexually-frustrated priests had another outlet.

Complicated situation.. please help!?

i'm sorry to say the truth straight but pretty soon he's going to break up with his girlfriend and make you his girlfriend. you guys are already starting a relationship without knowing but it's only the beginning

Is it a fallacy that we believe our cars need washing often?

me after rains i sammy off an use a spray warsh wax by mcquires wipe on wipe off easy for my old tird self

Need help that involves a fan.?

Ok im a 14 year old male and i got into a bit of a problem. I am a very curious young lad. I was feeling quite horny so i put my penis into the fan. it gave me cuts all over it. Im so embarred to tell anyone. that was three days ago. I asked my friend and he took a look and sucked it a little. he said i should try putting a little battery acid on it. i tryed it. IM SO SCARED IT TURNED A WIERD GREEN COLOR? EVERY TIME I TRY TO JACK IT, IT sprays out a wierd purple liquid. PLEASE HELP ME

Aw man, my crush this I don't like him :(?

I knew he liked me, he used to call me in school, JUST to say Hi or smile :) And the other day he figured out I liked him, because my brothers told him.. Then after that, in class he told his friend about he, saying that he likes me... His friend came up to my like "You like Jose right, yes you know you do". And I was embarred so I said "No".. And then a while later I hear them talking behind me, and I hear his friend say outloud, "Why you want her to like you!!?"... and my crush did a nervous giggle like "hehe".. NOW the passed 3 days, he started to TRY to ignore me :(.. I wonder if he's mad or something.. anyways I know he still likes me.. MAYBE. And I want to hug him so bad! :( Why is he acting like this?? BTW we never went out, we met just 3 months ago, and we have SO MUCH history between us :) But now he think I don't like him.. I MESSED UP EVERYTHING! >.< I feel like crying :(

Sunday, July 17, 2011

The psychological and emotional affects of smoking weed?

ok well he likes smoking pot and pot was part of his life before you came into it. you shouldnt expect him to change. look at it like this if you can, say instead of smoking pot your bf played football and he had since he was 16 and alot of his friends play also it would be unfair of you to suddenly try to put a stop to him play or say he cant play anywhere near you. now forget the football thing. if your bf had quit smoking pot because of you it would of created a void between him and his friends and you would be the one to blame it wasnt really that he chose pot over you its that he chose his friends over you and you cant blame some one for doing that cuz friends (big emphasize on the plural in friends) should always come first. i think if you like all other aspects of the guy you should get let him smoke pot around you

Phobia of things growing inside holes?

You would die of heart failure if I could show you what's covering every inch of your skin. But we all need it in order to survive this world. BILLIONS AND BILLIONS of microscopic bugs and bacteria that multiply quickly to protect us from the outside elements. When we shower we wash off a lot of dead skin cells but within an instant we are once again covered by billions of tiny microscopic bacteria that cluster on our skin and move around at a rate on our face and entire body that would make it seem like it's a rolling river. It's true. These bacteria are friendly and protect us. Remember that. Not all this nasty stuff about swiss cheese and fungus infested big pores you want everyone to google. At night when we sleep the bugs in our anal glands come out to play. And so does the LONG caterpillar like creature that lives on our eyelids. I have put my own drop of sweat under a powerful microscope and damn near fell out my chair. I don't go to public gyms anymore.

2 overly affectionate gay men told to leave public swimming pool?

She was just doing her job, excess public affection is not permitted by any sex, and watching two dudes going at it is disgusting

Is substance abuse rehabilitation like brain washing?

I work at a substance abuse facility I'm not a counselor or anything more like a babysitter lol I sort of just oversee the house and make sure everyone is on task. These clients are so obedient and conforming to every single rule. There is no way I could follow the strict rules they have to follow. Rules like guys can't talk to girls unless with another person, they can't forget their pen or cup for med time, or even just reporting that there is a magazine of some sort laying around. I understand it's all about structure but it is just crazy how obedient they are.

Is the neutrogena wave any good?

I've been online shopping, getting the essentials from boots - nappies, makeup sponges, cotton pads, etc along with some other things that my daughter and I have wanted to try. I've ordered the neutrogena wave and I was wondering if it is worth the money or if I should return it once it arrives. i just thought it might be good for when I travel to keep in my wash bag instead of my different cleansers and makeup removers, thus making my luggage lighter.

Ok shaving leggs asking help #2?

hun- its okay. dont worry. just try to talk to her. dont bother her because she'll get more frusturated. but let her know (even though you already did) "mom, its kinda embarassing not being able to shave yet. and I know you are probably just trying to do whats best for me. but can i at least try shaving or using a hair removal cream. I know it doesnt matter what other people think of me, but it matters what i think and i really want to shave!" i hope this help because i know how you feel, email me with any questions! ♥

Can My Roommate Have Access to My Room?

Hi I live in Florida and I have a roommate who oversees the apartment for the Landlord (handles any repairs needed with Landlord's approval, send rental payments to the Landlord and is responsible to find a tenant for a vacant room). I was told that I need to give a copy of my room key to the Landlord. I don't have a problem with that, however, since my roommate oversees the apartment, I am concerned that my Landlord would allow her to hold the key and she would have access to my room which would defeat the purpose of me changing the locks in the first place. I would ask her for the Landlord's address in order to mail the key to the Landlord directly, but I have a feeling that she will see to it that the Landlord gets it (she's protective over giving out information such as phone numbers and addresses). Since she is not the Landlord, does my roommate have the legal right to have access to my room? Also, don't I have the right to have the contact information for the Landlord for business purposes? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

How to prove to my dad that I'm not embarrased of him?

What does it Matter Who See's You Running? You are Getting in Great Shape, Something They should Be Doing. Tell Your Dad Lets Go Out to The Park & Run and if He says why? Your Embarrassed of Him, Then say "No Im Not" and Make it fun "Say "Last One to Get to Our Distention Looses". That Should give Him a sign That Your Not Embarrassed of Him :-) Enjoy Spending Time with Your Dad, Not Many Children Get to Spend Time with Their Father, Don't Worry Who See's You. You are Have a Father/Daughter Moment. Cherish's This Moment :-)

Does he like me or is he embarresed of me?

Well if you don't like that tell him to stop! but if you low-key like it you should talk to him and not wait for him to talk to you. And if he is "Embarrassed" of you then you should leave him alone, cause who would want a Bf like that?!

How do I stop a bad habit of Biting/sucking on my bottom lip?

I would suggest putting something really gross or sour on your lips before you go to sleep. Do that every night and hopefully it will train your body to stop. It will be disgusting but it may help.

Girls only! please help:]?

umm.. i'm really embarred to ask this to my mom. actually i'm embarred to ask it to anyone. My mom told me i'm gonnna have to get my " thing" checked since i just got my period. & thats all she said. I'm really scared.. i dont even want to go to my doctor's appointment. What are they going to do?? R they gonna like stick something up inside me? Will it hurt? Pls answer! i'm flippin out here!

Is it my fault what my husband did?

i told my sister to flirt with my husband just to see what he would do. because i felt that he's always eyeing her. i actually thought he would pass the test, but instead he failed miserably. he actually thought she was serious and he said very disgusting things and exposed himself to her. I was not expecting him to do this. Now i feel like i should get a divorce! and i"m soo embarred that my family feels i married a loser

Does he LIKE ME OR NOT!?

Only he knows how he feels...if you want to know also, get to know him better so you can either figure it out, or he'll actually express his feelings to you...

Nervous about pap, anyone else?

I am a 53 year old women who has had children and paps for years, but now that I am so much older and heavier I cannot bring myself to throw my fat *** and spread for a doctor, man or woman. I am embarred, any advice, since I havent had one in at least 12 yrs and I need one?

How to remove olive oil from car seat?

I went to the supermarket got me a bottle of olive oil on my trip back home bottle cracked and spilled all its content on the car seat. How do I get rid of the oil that has soaked the entire sponge in my car seat without replacing my whole seat? The heat its making it smell bad, and have tried those super absorbent towels but nothing seems to get rid of the oil remaining in the sponge of the seat. I'm really desperate!

I need a little advice on the Military, part two?

One thing you could do is go to your local bookstore and get an ASVAB study guide. I have the mcgraw-hill version and in it it's got a summarized list of all the possible jobs in the military and which branch offers them. It's also got 3 practice tests and it claims to have all the knowledge you will need for the ASVAB. I've found it very helpful! It seems to me that, although being away from your family during training and all that might make it easier initially, but might have bad repercussions emotionally later on. Especially if you're close to your family. Of course you'll have to go where ever they send you, but don't balk at the idea of being close to your family. In my opinion it would be better to have them around than to not. But either way you're serving your country and bettering yourself.

I need a little advice on the Military.?

I'm 22 years old. I've never had a day of college and I no children. I'm slightly over weight but I'm working towards 160. I'm 5'6. I live in a small town in South Ga and I'm the Manager of a finance company. I'm doing well for myself especially at my age. But, I'm not satisfyed. I'm considering the US Army or Airforce. I want to travel the world. Meet new people. Get a great education and amount to something a little more then small town life. I also want to be in the best physical shape of my life. I want to help make a difference in the world. Not just sponge off of it. Any advice/ comments/ concerns/ doubts/ good lucks would be awesome. Thanks.!

How do i clean my bathtub?

You could try Scrubbing Bubbles! I have used it cleaning walls and surfaces of dirt and tobacco stains on a house I was working at. I was amazed with the results I use it in my home. Its a spray you apply in the dirty area and let in soak in for a minute or two.. Then wipe away, maybe use some sort of scrub devise with it. Sounds like its a dirty tub...

What kind of lawyer should I seek under the following situation?

What kind of lawyer should I seek under the following situation? in year 2008, I’ve invested around 100k into my friend business, however during that time, i was working in oversee, not able to take care the business, therefore I've asked my ex-gf to handle for me. Initially we have a verbal agreement, the business is belong to me, she only take care on behalf of me and she take salary and some profit share. Since the business roll out, I start ask her around the company performance, she refuse to disclose to me, and keep on giving me excuses and I need to obtain P&L from my friend (the other partner). Lately we had separated, and now she claimed that the business belong to her and the business it’s a gift. I’ve no right to take back. The company registration and bank account is under her name. Any expertise advise?

What creative activities did you do as a child?

I remember doing marble painting, sponge painting, roller painting and playing with play-dough in preschool :)

I got busted by my neighbor tonight?

Me and my lo had a busy day today. We left this morning at 10:30. to go to the library then the mall, we had to stop and get flowers for her dads grave for tomorrow and then to Walmart to do the grocery shopping. When we got home we were tired and hungry. So I made tacos for dinner. While we were eating my neighbor Juanita came over.(she is a health nut) She made a remark about me giving my lo tacos and then notice that my lo was watching sponge bob from the table. And said "while I am at it. While don't I just pour grease down her throat and suck her brain out." I told her we were busy today and there was nothing wrong with what I was giving her. She didn't agree with me vocally. So I asked her to leave while we finished eating. I think she got mad. Do you think I may of just ruined a friendship? I asked her to leave because off her remark about how I should care more about my daughters intake of food since she is sick and gets treatments. I don't think I should treat her different any more than I have to. I am I wrong? Was she right? We don't do this ever night. Just once or so a month.

Can i study oversees and get the credit??? helppp?

currently i attend college in ny and i am traveling to asia and would like to go to a college there and get 3 credits. will it transfer to my ny college

With what can you paint curbstone to get a uniform finish?

I have concrete curbstones surrounding my garden; I removed them and re-organized them; the problem is, due to chip off and re-application of joint mortar, the finish looks inconsistent and rather nasty. My questions is, what can I use as paint that would give me a uniform concrete color as if they were newly fixed. Can I just mix water and cement and paint that over them with a sponge?

Was Guantanamo Bay set up in response to the 9/11 attacks?

If yes ,is there any evidence of this claim then? Did Bush oversee this establishment and the activities within, that have caused so much controversy? Why did he want to set it up? To protect America by rooting out information from terrorist suspects? Thank you so much

Should I be embarred About crying in front of friends?

I was over at my friends house and we were drinking we were having a good time and some how we got on the subject of death and I started talking about my niece that died of brain cancer when she was 6, I started crying and rambling on and I also cried while her husband was there. There my best friends and I'm kind if a tough guy. Was it bad to do so I was super wasted and I couldn't look them in the eye but everything was normal the next day should I avoid them or apologize for doing that

How should I handle my concerns with my Dad's healthcare provider?

It can be difficult providing care for elderly parents, especially if they are having problems with their health. Here at Quality NY, we offer home health care in NY for aging parents in a variety of forms to best suit the needs of our clients. Visit our site at to find the option that is best for your dad. Good luck on your search.

I Hate Myself For Loving You: Songs We Are Embarresed To Like?

Brass in Pocket by the Pretenders, Kokomo by The Beach Boys, Oops I did it again by Brittany Spears and Dancing Queen by ABBA

Which agency oversees bank deposit disputes?

I deposited $2500 in the bank with a teller. I have a receipt of the deposit. Later I was notified that I deposited only $1600. Who is responsible for investigating this dispute?

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Would this clean right please help 10 points?

I spilled my ash tray on my carpet rug and I put warm water on a towel and wiped it then vaccumed for like 3 seconds because it's very loud then wet a sponge and rubbed it is I cleannor do I need more 10 points for best answer

Why do my chocolate chips sink in my sponge cake?

i don't have a recipe, but you should try dusting the chips in flour before adding them to the wet batter. i don't think it matters whether it's self-rising or all-purpose.

Do i have to directly apply to the university of Guadalajara so that i can attend the all four years ?

I want to attend to a collage in mexico called universidad de guadalajara and I been doing some research to see if I have to apply directly so that I can attend it all four years until i finish my studies or if theres a program that allows me to do the same thing . The thing is that i want to go to mexico and do my studies over there because its cheaper and this is a really good school . I need help to see what it is that i have to do to attend this school . I speak and write spanish really good since i was raised in a hispanic culture . ill appreciate it if theres anyone who has just applied directly to a school oversees or to mexico if they gave me some tips on how they did it . thanks everyone and hopefully you can help meeee because i really need help !

Can we simplify tax structures without it being called tax increases?

Some of the proposals for changing the way personal income tax is figured in the US are suggesting exactly what you suggest. They recommend, for example, getting rid of a lot of the deductions such as the mortgage interest deduction and the deduction for charitable giving, and then lowering the overall tax rates. So, again for example, you can't deduct your mortgage interest or charitable giving, thus increasing your taxable income. But, your tax rate on that income is lowered from say 20% to 13%.

Do you shop for....with one of you close friends?(girls)?

ok so ill probably go to the mall with one of my good friends tomorow but shes not going to be shopping because she has no $ but she still wnts to come to watch me shop?lol.i know.weired. but anyway, i was wondering if you shop for like underwear and bras with your closer friends? i mean i feel kinda weired shopping for that stuff because were 14 and yes i wear a thong because its embarrasing to have panty lines and its not like i show them off.(im just telling you because dont you think it would be weirder because she doesnt wear those adn ill be shopping in victoria secret PINK) all and i feel really embarred shopping for bras with her because my boobs are WAY bigger than hers. so do you shopp for....with....?

Ladies: How important is it that a guy be successful?

I kind of like older guys and people call me a gold digger. I always hear people say, "You don't see younger girls going after older guys who work at McDonald's, do you?" But I was thinking, even when I have my eye on a younger guy, I don't date guys who aren't successful. I think it says a lot about someones personality if they are content to work for minimum wage rather than go out, get an education and achieve their potential. I dated a guy who was happy saying "as long as I have a job, why do you care?" when he worked part-time and kind of sponged off me. So maybe it's materialistic, but I just can't stand a guy who won't or can't support himself. I support myself and don't expect a guy to take care of me. What do you other ladies think?

Ukulele Traveling Question!?

Hello! I was thinking of flying oversees with my ukulele! But i'm a beginner and inexperienced so I have a few questions... is it better to loosen the strings if you plan to bring it as carry-on? and if so, how much should one turn the tuning pegs to loosen it? sorry if that sounds like a stupid question... but should they be turned as far as they can go or just until the strings begin to loosen? thank you in advance! :)

What do u do about a lesbian girl who likes u??!!! HELP ME!?

there is this girl named amanda in my grade. Everyone knows that she is a lesbian, but she has yet to ask any girls out. Last year she asked one girl out, but that girl was transfering schools at the time. Well, today she went up to me and was like, "hey, dawn!!! i like u....go out with me??" i was like, "no!" i kinda feel bad though cause he is kinda werid, but i could have been nicer. I was just so embarresst cause everyone was like, "hahahah! amanda asked u out!!??" i am totally embarred, and scared. Should i tell amanda sorry, or just let it hang. People might think im werid if i say sorry thou! what should i do?

Helpp am really worried?

unless your father has aids, its impossible to get aids like that. and its normal to be a little itchy. that means the cut is healing. youre fine...

Saltwater tank filter?

i have a 36 gallon bowfront with two hob filters i change the sponges weekly and have 40 pounds of live rock in there with four fish....ment to have three but live aquaria made a mistake and gave me two -_- i meen i dont mind. n idk how to get it out my friend wants it.... ok so as i was saying..(sorry) i have an aqua clear 50 and a bio wheel 20 (filters) i get a lot of brown algae but thats bc of phosate i am guessing bc of my fish food but i underfeed and wash it before i put it in. and cleanin the tank once a week will be good do a 10% water change but always over due our filtration i say i also have a hob skimmer i am not sure that'll be necessary for yoursi do about a 5% water change everyweek which is pretty good for a 36 gallon tank. and a clown fish might not be so good in a 12 gallon saltwater tank they get pretty big i have one in my tank as well with (2)dracula goby's and a red scooter dragonet ohhh and also i have a bunch of snails and two shrimp thats formed a symbionic relationship with both gobys which is pretty cool. but yeah get more then just a sponge filter my filter has 3 stage filtration i get absolutely no green alage and my purple corraline algae is growing like crazy its so hard to scrap that crap off my front glass bc of the bowfront lol i have to do it everyday bc of how fast it grows i also have four corals frags in there xenia coral, starburst polyps, eagleeye polpys, and 1 duncan they are growing pretty fast too iv had them in there for about 3 months not everything is turning out veryy nice just the brown algae i want gone so i might have to buy some kind of phospate remover...or try to capture the little dracula goby and give it to my friend lolll. omg i am sorry for this huge message i love fish i wanna become a marine biologist loll i also have a rele good light its an led marineland 10,000k 1watt light its amazinggggg how it works my corals love it i rated it 5 stars and would recommend getting it if you wre looking for corals 12 gallon would be amazing for some coral frags in there its really not difficult to care for corals after the 1st month of them being in there they grow pretty fast well mine do bc there polpys stony corals take longer like acropora. your tank should do fine just do a better filter then just sponge. sorry again for talking to much..lmao bye.

Do you think white men would enjoy this?

Okay so I want to take care of them and treat them like the kings they are. I would cook,clean,massage them,sex them and pay the bills. Do white men like this type of thing? And do they like bubble baths waiting when they get home? and me to scrub them with a sponge or towel?

How effective is the sponge when used with the pill?

My girlfriend is already on the pill and I always use a condom. We are considering using the sponge and losing the condom. We have both been fully tested and cleared for STDs, so we're not too concerned with transmitting them. Anyway, we knew anyway that using a condom and a pill almost guaranteed pregnancy prevention, but we want to know how effective it will be to switch to a sponge.

I have extremely hard to curl hair, help?

I have very fine 2 foot long hair. When I try using a curling iron at maximum temperature, the best I get is a slight curl at the end of my hair that last 10 seconds at best. I swear I'm using the iron right, by the way. I've tried a straightening iron (didn't work at all), sponge curlers (works for about 20 minutes), sleeping in a bun (same result as the curlers), practically everything I've heard works and my hair still will not hold a curl more than 20 minutes. I do use A LOT of hair spray plus hair mouse. HELP?!?!

Why am I sooo jealous?

My husband gives me *every* liberty in our marriage.....I mean...every...liberty. Even allows me to have a boyfriend. Yes, he is very much in love with me and he'd die if I left him. But I can't return the favor...I don't know why...I'm not even ok with him looking at porn....I know this is entirely a self-esteem issue. I don't feel attractive enough at all. I just had a baby and I'm still wrinkled like a sponge... Stretch marks everywhere. And these girls have tight smooth bodies. I'd have a great body if it weren't for these d*** stretch marks! What is your honest opinion of me?

Hand me down clothes?

I love hand me downs also, I always give my sister my oldest sons clothes and by the time her baby has out grown them she tries to return them for my youngest son but she has got them stained and dirty and I just dont want them then...but my mother in law always brings my kids something from the thrift store and it is always nice and clean I wash it and throw it on them.

Disgusting smell on the floor will not go away!?

We live in a small apartment. There was, what we think, a spill of chicken juice from a bag of frozen chicken. We didn't realize it until about 24 hours later and the kitchen smelled like something DIED. It wasn't coming from the fridge, the sink, or anywhere that made sense. We realized it must be the floor. We have washed the floor about four times but the smell is still around. The windows have been open with a fan for ventilation. This has only brought in the flies and gnats. I think they are still attracted to the floor! We've been washing with comet and pine-sol and a sponge. The garbage is emptied, nothing else is sitting around. What else can we do??

I accidently called my X Boyfriends brother - and he overheard me with guys! ...?

You do have the right to go out with guys since your single, but you two have just broken up. Maybe he feels differently about the break up than you do and he was probably offended and embarrassed. Especially since you two dated for so long.

How do you get Thicker Legs?

i know how you feel but i have been doing squats and lunges for like 2 weeks (just one set to 20 everyday) and my legs are looking ALOTT better especially in jeans :))

Electric chair sponge thing?

I've seen in a few movies and tv shows that people remove a sponge or something from the electric chair, causing it to be a more painful electrocution for the victim. what are they taking out? thanks

Do Judges often request the de-certification of police officers, would it have any effect on that decision?

Judges frequently will ban officers from their courtroom for giving false testimony and are deemed incredible for all legal purposes.)(

What is your reaction Obama Administration May Be Held in Contempt of Congress?

Holder is a Criminal, and Obama is an accessory for appointing him. Both of these Reconquista Pricks, allowed Felony Arson last August at the Federal Court House in Phoenix AZ, when Illegal Mexicans in support of Obama and Holder torched the American Flag. FELONY ARSON at a US Court House,.

What does the presence of choanocytes suggest about the evolution of sponges?

There are a group of protists, the choanoflagellates which are structurally similar in having a flagellum crowned by microvilli. One group, Proterospongia, is colonial and shows limited cell specialization. We see single celled organisms, colonial organisms, and organisms with specialized cells and distinct structures, all possessing a common element. Genetics has shown that choanoflagelates are related to animals.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Is this right?

ok last night i went to the store with my aunt(my grandmas sister).we were at the register and me and her got into an arguement.i took money for mysister so i can play and wile i did my aunt got the loly pops i was going to buy out of the basket.she left the cookies she was buying in the basket.i took the loly pops out of her hand and she started to get mad.she kept on saying stuff to me and i just ignored her.then i was going to tell her something back and she said shut a reaction i told her to shut up.wen we got back home she started to cry wile my grandma was yelling at me.she said i needed to respect her.and that i embarred her at the store cuz people were there and looking at (no 1 was looking).i told them i shouldnt have to respect her if she didnt respect me. i got yelled at grandma made me apoligize to her. is it right for my aunt and grandma to yell at me for telling her that wen she was yelling and told me that?

Loofah in the United Kingdom (UK)?

Yes there are people who know what a loofah is. It is the horrible vegetable skeleton thing you keep in the bathroom but never use. You can buy one on ebay for �5.

2nd Interview - no response: what to do?

So I had 2 interviews for a great job. After interview #2 they said they'd notify everyone by the end of LAST week either way, if we got the job or not. Well, I got nothing -- no call, etc etc. So this week on Tuesday I called, left a message, and sent a followup email to the person who I'd report to since she was in all of my interviews and there is no particular HR contact. I just restated my interest and asked whether a decision was made. Again, no response. An insider told me that the HR person (who we think would be overseeing this) is out on vacation right now. So, do you think I still have a chance? They seemed to like me a lot and I am perfectly qualified for the job and seem to have the personality they were looking for. Why don't they get back to us when we are expected to be so perfect every step of the application-interview-thank you letter-way ??!!

Many thanks for replies to Carla Bruni photo in papers today. I feel embarred world opinion thinks about us?

For goodness sake , the photos were taken 15 or 25 yrs ago . Is there anything you would change about your lifestyle when you were that age , or I am I mellowing with age ? 57 yrs of age now and cannot explain experience of "life" I now have . Come on community, the girl has a bit of class of style and style about her , unlike a recent slag who took an old musician for what she could get . " Arabian hostess ", if the price was right ? Leave Ms Bruni alone , time will tell what she is really like. DJC.

Why is Sponge Bob so entertaining?

I like Spongebob alot. So please tell me why it is so darn entertaining.. Food...water...ATMOSPHERE!!!


There are three men: man A man B and man C. Man A sends a letter to man B, man B sends a box to C, and man C sends it back to man A. they don't know each other and what they are doing is A lives oversees and the letter he sends is very short..any ideas?

Where in Nj can i buy sponge forcepe, 14 guage 5/8 barbell, 14 guage needle, a set of alligator clips?

i really want a tongue pericing but cant wait for a professional. So i am going to do it self. Just need to know where to buy this stuff. It will mean a lot and i will really apreciate it. Thank you. :)

10 POINTS! What phylum do these animals belong to!?

This is the botany section here, the study of plants. I think you want the biology section. Or homework help.

If I have a sponge filter, do I also need one that gets the bigger stuff?

I wasn't sure if the sponge filter could get all the nasty stuff so do you need both a sponge filter and a regular one that fits on the back of the tank?

Wigan Fans And Anyone Else Please Respond?

9-1.If you are a Wigan fan,doe sthis make you embarred? I mean,its NINE-ONE.And the one goal you got was handled.I mean,i hate both teams,but still.

Parents Forcing me to be on my own with nothing?

I dont like your parents. A good parent helps their child with any school and job because later on in the future they know that when they are suffering the only ones out there to help are the children, get a job just keep looking u'll find one ok,

Is there any makeup or lotion or medicine to remove scars?

hey galz! omg i have 3 scars on my legs n 2 on my right elbow! im so embarred to wear shorts or skirts! omg i'm even embarred to say it to u! so um just wondering is there ANY product or MAKEUP that can cover up scars even if u go swimming n if there is can u tell me where i can buy it! thank u guys so much!!!! muaaah♥

What does it mean to 'fold in' in baking?

In order to not deflate the bubbles that you worked so hard to create, you very gently combine the heavy ingredients with the soft ingredients. This is done with a big spoon or spatula moving the bottom portion over the top portion in a gentle but thorough folding motion, either in a loose circle or a figure 8. It's harder to explain than it is to do it!

Breakout because of Mac cosmetics?

So last Sunday I went to Mac and bought the 'Mac Studio Fix Powder Plus foundation' and when the lady at the counter tried it on my face it looked amazing and flawless so I bought it. The next day I uses it and most of the problems started on the left side of my face I got a bump on my cheek like an inch and a half away from my nose and I got a bunch of blackheads and bumps on my cheek as well. I used with the Mac powder the revlon colorstay as always and never broke out with and I use brushes not even sponges. And it also left my skin cakey looking at which at first it didnt.And I really wanted to buy the Mac concealer with SPF, the Mac fix plus finishing spray, and the Mac studio fix bronzer but now I don't know. Did anyone else break out with it as well? Or what Mac powder doesn't break you out? I was also thinking if maybe I broke out with it since I used it with foundation since it is a foundation on it's own so could that be it?

Would you acknowledge colleague in public?

as long as you are NOT covered in blood, wearing a creepy smile on your face that dose not reach your eyes, and speaking in a deep resonating tone, it would be fine. just don't stutter.

How do I approch my husband about our lack of sex when he takes things too personal?

My husband and I havent had sex for 8 months and how can I let him know that something needs to change. I am 24 and he is 50 and so far pills havent worked. How do I let him know what I want with out upsetting him. he is already embarred about not gettin it up.

How do i keept the humidity up in my hermit crab habitat?

Try out what has been already said. If that still isint sufficient, try to get a fogger. Check on eBay, I got mine for 5$. Its just a little round thing you put in a bowl of water and a fog starts covering the bottom of your tank, helps greatly with the humidity.

If you're the head of the ATF and oversee a botched gun sell operation to Mexican cartels, shouldnt you resign?

The agents them self testified that the orders came from above their bosses head. The AFT were simply following orders to let those weapons go. I wonder who does the AFT answer too? Couldn't be an old Obama buddy, could it? At least some more of the pieces are falling into place about why the border isn't seriously being protected.

Wierd and embarrasing situation.........**** Swolen?=/ too embarred to tell anyone?

Basicly the hole of the anus......on little bit is swolen i have no idea why it started this morning im too embarrsed to tell parents or what not.....what should i do plz....? this is not a joke btw....

Zebra Danio breeding! i need help.?

i am trying to breed my zebra danios. i am so lost. the first time i tryed it worked in 30 min!! i dont think the eggs got fertilized! so i tryed to mate my fish agen. nothing for the past two day. they just freak out in the mating tank and my heater just keeps turning off. i need help. also how much are sponge filters

Help, What can I do about my mom being an animal hoarder?

You will have to anonymously report her to the city. Every city has ordinances that prevent too many pets. People mean well, but they have to face reality. They can't really take good care of more than 3 or 4 pets at a time. It becomes more of a zoo than a good home, and zoos are for wild animals not pets.

Plant growing Please help?

Ok so i have a project i must take care of a plant for an entire summer to teach me responsibility and plant life (bio class) anyways im going oversees to africa and i decided to plant a Bird Paradise this appropriate? Are there any other amazingly beautiful plants i could plant.. i wanted to do the hearts one...i forgot what its called it is gorgeous..but because of the weather it likes to be in..i assumed that it may not be appropriate for it. So i was wondering if there were any other amazing beautiful plants that are easy to grow possibly (if not that okay too) If this is a great choice are there any tips to gorwing them properly and healthy..also i dont understand the concept of trimming. Thanks to all answers!


ive recently bought a fairly mature cheese plant (about 2 weeks ago and its four foot high) but im worried i might be doing something wrong, the leaves seem to be curling in on them selves a little and some have brown dried out ends, and some have yellow tinged ends or spots, ive only watered it once with a pint of water with some liquid feed, it doesn't get direct sunlight and ive sponged the leaves once or twice, does anyone have any advice or tips??? is this just due to a change in environment?? or am i worrying my self over nothing?? i have no clue lol im renowned as a plant killer so any help is appreciated, thanks in advance

Saltwater Sponge Taking over Live Rock?

I have one piece of live rock that seems to have a fast growing type of sponge on it. It's about a 3 lbs rock and is more than half covered by this sponge. I am planning on making my tank into a reef tank, I might be getting my first coral today. Should I cut back the sponge on that one rock before it over takes some of my other rocks? I know even if I do it will probably grow back, but at least I could maybe keep trimming it back as it grows. Do sponges hurt corals at all? I'm still learning about Saltwater tanks. I probably have at least some kind of sponge on every piece of live rock I have (13 pieces, roughly 35 lbs of rock) in my 33 gallon tank, but they are all slow growing and don't look like they will be a problem, just that one piece of rock. So should I cut that sponge back or can I just leave it?

I am trying to remove my tatoo myself.... what to expect?

Idk if this was a good idea or not, But I was desperate to get rid of a tatoo and I havw very little money. I followed the directions of a person who got rid of a tattoo themself. They scrubbed it with a pumice sponge for 5 minutes, and soaked it with peroxide until it was bubbling, than covered it with neosporin and a bandage. They said they waited for it to heal, and did it several more times until the tattoo was finally gone. I have so far done it once. It is in the healing process. The skin on/around it is a little raised, red and pussing. Is this normal for a healing process? How often should I use peroxide, neosporin, and bandages?

Is my brother a psychopath?

He does seem to have characteristics of a psychopath. Doesn't mean he's going to kill people, but they are always manipulative and only care about their own self interest and lack sympathy for others. It's most likely genetic, but he was born to an ugly situation that may be conducive to that kind of behavior

Does this guy like me back?

Based on everything that you have said, I would say that he really likes you. If he didn't he wouldn't always initiate conversation, and want you in his group for class projects.

Photographing a snake outdoors?

I'm just going to respond to the people who are saying a pillow case is cruel. A pillow case is much better than a critter keeper or cage to temporarily hold a snake. This is what all professionals use and it actually helps to calm the snake since it can't see out. Much better than a critter cage which is going to heat up outside just like the inside of a car on a hot day.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Pro Se Plaintiff acted in reliance that Defendant was served by former attorney; Now learns no record exists,?

I am a Pro Se Plaintiff. I have acted in reliance that former attorney oversaw that Defendant was properly served. After 11 months -- over 200 pages of filings -- insurance giant is pressing for dismissal. Does Florida case law support the action continuing to go forward? Need a case to cite. I was 1,600 miles away at the time the Statute of Limitations lapsed. I relied on assurances that the Defendant was properly served. Please anyone with access to Westlaw or Nexis Lexis - I urgently need assistance. (I realize that I could go after my former attorney, which would create a whole new malprtactice lawsuit.) ISSUE: When a Pro Se Plaintiff acts in reliance of his former attorney's assurances that his claim is still valid and active; and said former client now acts as a Pro Se Plaintiff in the belief that his claim is secure before the court, and for 11 months files various exhibits, motions, notices, declarations before this Florida court, can the case be dismissed for a flaw not of his making? What past Florida cases are on point? ... I have a life-long injury to my right dominant hand, which has three numb fingers from an airbag injury. Please help. Thanks & Blessings to the entire Yahoo Answers community

What should I do about my face makeup...?

i think its the foundation drug store colors and shades can be hard to match get someone that is lighter then the same you already have so you have one dark and one light and mix that together and it should work. you never never use the sponge that comes with it its every bad . you want to go out and by a powder brush or wedges sponge in the make up part of any drug store.put it one very lightly two that helps.

I'm trying to make the Zio's italian wedding cake, but i cant find the recipe anywhere. anybody know it?

Here is the description that is in the menu. moist sponge cake and fresh whipped cream hand-layered to order and topped with zio's homemade vanilla cream sauce and dark chocolate shavings.

Im so embarresed and upset and feel so stupid ;( plz tell me im not the only 1 this has happend to?

ok, i have liked my brothers friend for the last year. a few months ago while out he kissed me and he was being very friendly towards me, im completly in love with him and thought about him everyday when he was away at university, i would play out in my head what it would be like when hes back and that wed be together, almost to the point of obsession, ive neve rever loved anyone this much. Then last night i went out clubbing with some friends and he was there with my brother, i got quite drunk, and took him over to a corner and was being really touchy with him and telling him i really liked him, but he jsut told me straight out that nothing can ever happen as hes my brothers friend, and literly pushed me off him, i spent the rest of the evening crying and i feel so so stupid. hes all ive thought about for weeks and i jsut dont know what 2 do with myself, and im jsut so embarred, now all my brothers friends no about it anf ill be so embarresed when he coems over our house.

What's the best way to apply Revlon's ColorStay foundation?

I've heard mixed reviews on how to apply this foundation. Some say with a brush, others with a sponge or wet sponge. Which way do you think is best to apply this particular foundation?

Embarrassing Moment. Should I return?

I've done some dumb things in my life but this one tops them all. I'm new to this 24 hr fitness club and I enter a locker room and nobody is there so I go to the nearest locker by the door to put my stuff up. After I work out I head back to the locker room and this lady comes up to me furious with anger like she had been violated and screams "get out!!" many times & has a cow. I'm scared and embarred and I tell her "look I'm new here...I'm sorry". She follows me out the door and screams "where is a manager...this man saw me naked...blah blah blah!". I'm like chillout lady I made a mistake and I said I'm sorry and I'm new here. I told her I just need to get my stuff out of the locker. So management helps me get my stuff. Feeling embarrassed and angry at the lady because she would not rationalize with me or accept my appology and all the employees at the front desk know who I am, I'm debating whether I should go back to that club. Would you go back to that 24 hr fitness club?

If you could take any tv shows off the air forever?

What would it be and why? I am not a fan of South Park or the Simpsons, and I hate Sponge Bob. What about you?

Omg!!!!! i finally had a dream but.....?

you were probably tired from your exercises. and while falling asleep, you probably were thinking about your bf without realizing it. try thinking about him before you go to sleep again and youll most likely dream about him. this happens to me a lot. think good thoughts about him and about how happy he makes you. maybe youll have an even better dream?(: haha good luck!

Advice on a guy situation?

There's a guy we have friends with benefits relationship. We good as friends, but as couple, i reall don't know, we have different opinions, he has some things i really can't understand and it's not me, but i see his good side too and sex is awesome he is a great guy, but i don't really think he might be for me. Eventully I see he developed some kind of feelings for me too. The thing is the sex or that we spend most of the time together, i started missing him and getting some kind of feelings, wanting his attention and so on. We still have our seperate lives, like he is seeing someone, i go on a dates, we don't sleep with other people, more we are looking for our soulmates. The thing he broke up a year ago with his long term girlfriend over some other girl he known for years, but couldn't be with her until she got divorced. I can see he was confussed which one to pic and eventually his ex left him and this other girl he has affection to do�sn't want to get serious with him. I know he has somekind of feelings for her, he says he could't be with her, but one time i accidently oversaw they're conversation and he was talking about kids, feelings and so on with her. Should I tell that i am developing something for him and just let him be? I wanted to cut this all communication of ours, but he doesn't let me go,he wants to see me, comes to my place and so on, but i noticed i'm getting hurt of his other relationship. Or should i just not say anything and try o let it fade away? I am confussed what would be the best deal to solve it, he never came to me about his feelings, but i know he feels something through his actions, but i am not sure it's strong enough.

Why does MY LEG! keep hurting so badly?

Seriously. Spongebob doesn't stop hurting MY LEG! in some way. That damn sponge. MY LEG! is really starting to hurt.

Competition against Sarah Palin in upcoming elections?

Anyone of the hopefuls can beat her. this is not like the presidential election where McCain puts her on the mountain top and all the republicans just love her to death. All the other hopefuls are goingto yank her to pieces over quiting her job as gov and for all the stoopid stuff she says. She has no chance of winning the repub nomination.

Extreme pain in the gum behind my last left molar?

You have a wisdom tooth trying to come in. You need to see your dentist. He will x-ray the area and determine if the wisdom tooth is impacted or just trying to erupt. Either way you will need to have it removed. Wisdom teeth serve no purpose and are routinely removed usually under general anesthesia. You won't feel anything. But take care of it before it causes you any more trouble.

How can I help my mom not be so embarrassed about her diet?

My mom is the same way, she gets up and does her tape at 5 in the morning before everyone wakes up. She also has everyone eating more healthy so she doesn't have to make 2 meals

Do Guys in Braces look bad? (girls answer this)?

I have 2 braces but I'm embarred I allready were glasses and I don't wana look more nerdy I'm going 2 10th grade and I wat you girls think that a guys weres brases nerdy cute ,ect. Thanks

Why are millions of small businesses personally calling Obama and thanking him for passing Health Care Reform?

I've worked now for 24 years and I've never had a job that didn't offer health care....even McDonalds offers health would have to really search for a job that doesn't offer health care and it's been that way for a very long may have to chip in or pay for it entirely...but it's's still cheaper for YOU to buy your health care than for ME to buy it for YOU...

I caught my son smoking weed for the 2nd time. What should I do?

I have caught my son smoking before and told him to stop, and he said that he would. Two months later I catch him again. I do not think smoking marijuana is in anyway a crime, but you can still get arrested for it, and that is why I told him to stop. It is in no way effecting his grades, in fact, his GPA has gone up since the first time I caught him. I honestly don't know what to do. I could let him smoke it in the house or at friends houses, where he would be the safest, where I can keep him from driving, and where it is more likely not to get arrested, or I could just do my best to prevent him from ingesting anymore weed. But in order to do that I would have to monitor him more closely, keep track of all the money I give him, and overall just oversee his life more, which I personally feel is a bit unethical, all to prevent something that doesn't affect anyone else. What should I do?

Why are some knocking Obama and Biden for trying to cut waste and create jobs?

I received an e mail from VP biden and he was told by Prez Obama to cut waste, he is going after internet sites and is making up an 11 member panel to oversee this for him and cut wasteful stuff. not sure how much they will make but they will probably have a staff each so might employ a 100 new people and thus create new jobs and no telling how much it will save read the article and you be the judge.

What is the best way to get beautiful curls?

I have naturally curly, thick hair. It is just past my shoulders and layered. Don't get me wrong I love my curls :) but for special occasions or just for fun I would like soft, beautiful curls. I have tried hot rollers which don't work for my hair and sponge rollers which didn't do much. What is the best way to curl my hair? Should I use a curling iron? If so what brand do you recommend. Also do you know of any ways to curl my hair with sponge rollers? Videos would be nice also pictures, Please & thank you :)

How to keep rabbit comfortable until death?

Do nothing but make sure he has a comfortable surface to lie on, and access to food and water if he wants it. Rabbits are quite stressed by being bathed and being wet.

This is an email from the F.B.I i NEED TO KNOW if its real it seems very serious thank you?

Hey John do not panic , such kind of E-mails are sent to many online users in bulk everyday. people try to make money out of these mails , which are just useless.its very simple figure out the sender , click on the sender's mail and receipients mail too. very simple , these are just junk ! you can block the sender. dont worry

I hate going to my dad's house and no one is trying to change the custody agreement. What can I do?

My dad is very irresponsible, and when I go to his house, I have to play the role of parent for my 11 year old sister. I am the one who usually has to do the cooking, and I am have to oversee that she does her homework, etc. If I did not step up to the plate and do these things, they simply would not get done. My dad has repeatedly been drinking and driving with my sister and me in the car/ motorboat, and I do not at all feel comfortable with this. My dad and I do not have a good relationship, if any, and I am extremely tired of being forced to go to his house. I am afraid that if I don't, there could be legal consequences for my mom, but she has told me that right now she can't do anything to change the custody agreement. I am really stuck between the legal and emotional aspects of this situation and I have no idea what do. All I know is that I face great anxiety when forced to go to my dad's, and that I really can't continue on with this. What should I do?

Im a ugly or does no boys like me HELP!?

Well I have a birthmark on my face and i havent ever had a boyfriend all my friends have i feel left out . If i like a boy and they find out they scream or just laugh why dont boys like me why cant i have a boyfriend?and im a embarred to tell my friends that i have never had a boyfriend Help

How do you control mold on kitchen sponges?

(Even after a few uses) Bleach ruins them and any other form of regular cleaning (like putting it through the washer and dryer) just doesn't work. Is there anything I can buy or do to control the mold?

First aid kit for horses?

Good list! I like stuff called Blue-kote spray for antiseptic. also, clippers or a razor to get hair out of the way and maybe butterfly stitches or skin glue for a quick fix on slices. alcohol in case you have to sterilize the skin before giving a shot. and a medicine boot. your set!

Why I hate the 'cloud'; explain why I shouldn't?

There will always be an option that doesn't involve a cloud, they simply offload security, backup and "responsibility" to another vendor.

Can someone on a gluten free diet eat cornflour?

My grandma is intolerant to dairy and gluten. She's coming round tomorrow and I'm baking her a cake. It's a fat-free sponge, so the dairy doesn't matter. It's got 50g flour, but I'm using gluten free, a teaspoon of baking powder, again I'm using gluten free, but it also has 50g cornflour. I don't know whether someone on a gluten free diet can eat it or not. My mum reckons it's fine, but I'm slightly cautious. So can she eat my cake, or will she be ok if it's only that amount? Or will I have to eat the cake myself, and make her a meringue or something?

Help! I'm a 21 year old TOTAL virgin, and can't take it anymore!?

Don't think how to loss your virginity, think how to get married. There are many guys who are looking for wife.

How do i get over this fear?

At tryouts my coach decided to make me a flyer. I am very small and light so she said i was perfect. I am okay at doing sponges i just need some more upper body strength, but when we started to do first floor i FREAKED out! I really want to be a flyer but for now i am terrified. Anybody ever have this problem? By the way i am going into 10th grade, and have never done cheer before, i did gymnastics for 3 years though. PLEASE HELP ME! HOW DO I GET OVER THE FEAR?

EVERYTHING i need to know about hermit crabs?

I had 4 hermit crabs once and they eat food that you can get from the pet store and also they eat fruits like apples, pears, and things like that. When i had my crabs i didnt use a humidifier i just sprayed water on them with a spritz bottle they gave me. I dont think there are any specific breeds. I would give them about a 3 on how expensive they are because they dont need alot of things. I would give carings a 2 because they are very easy to care for just food and water is needed and of course love. Yes they do need sponges because thats their nature and they might drown in the water. Hermit crabs dont eat each other. get a shell just a little bigger than the other and get about 3 so they have some to choose from. Two crabs will work because they have company but you can get more if you feel like it. Its only dangerous if they eat it or get their legs in them but you should just buy them with the oaint on them. They molt about evry 6 months or so and not sure if they can die from "bad molt". Wait about a day or 2 until you put them back. About 3 days or more is how long it takes for their exoskeleton to harden. HOPE THIS HELPS!! :)

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

I got in to a big argument with my friend & her family on friday?

You need to beg them to forgive you, and get some anger management classes or something! Your ego is way too big buddy.

I just swallowed a make-up brush sponge?

I feel super stupid saying this. but i have a habit of chewing on non-food stuff. I just ate, on accident! a make-up sponge, the ones that are on the ends of the eye shadow brushes. I forgot i was chewing on it so i had some soda. thats how it happened. So what will happen??

Do you use a housecleaning service? Do you think they're pretty good?

Do you think they would NEVER use the same sponge in your kitchen they just used in someone else's bathroom? How can you be sure?

How much cake mix should you put in bun cases?

1 cake mix will yield 24 small cupcakes, or 18 generous ones. Dip out accordingly, but not over 3/4 full in any case


Im sorry, but no sensible person is going to do your homework for you. Why don't you try researching your answers yourself. I'm sure you can find a book somewhere on a web page on the internet, with all the answers you need.

Opinions on my resume? and any advice on how I could better it?

Looks good but try add something that shows you in a leadership position and also add some charity that you have been part of.

I don't under stand his actions?

maybe he wants to tell you that he does not need your protection and he can take care of himself. I also I do not understand much the situation you described.

How much should I ask as a 24 hr/6day a week live-in nanny/tutor?

I've been offered a position for the summer as a live-in nanny. Part of my duties would include overseeing the older two girls lessons and finding ways to improve their English, both spoken and written. The hours would be all day/6 days a week. They will pay for my ticket to fly to France and summer there with them because they want a native English speaker. I've tried to research what the salary would be for this but most people just talk about a regular 40 hour work week. Anybody know what I should ask for? Thanks for the help!

I'm receiving unemployment insurance in California. I have a job with my partner, but the checks go to him...?

I have verified that he will be the only one paying taxes on the money we make with this job. However, we have told the management company overseeing us that we will be reporting my hours worked to EDD because they want everything to be done legitimately. But if I am not paying any taxes on the income at all, can I report it as work to EDD? If no... I would obviously like to report I am working less... but the company has asked me to report a certain amount... so I guess the legitimate response would be to have them split our pay into two checks so I have to pay taxes on my part too. Any thoughts from people with experience?

Do you THINK this guy might like me?

He most likely digs you, hence his humor. Either that, or he is trying to nice, but I can sense some liking in there if your story is completely true. if you wish to go further into detail, continue this discussion, or ever need assistance with anything else. Don't be shy, and good luck. :)

Does it make any difference to us what kind of government we have?

Is our United States Constitution really unique or is it just the last roadblock standing in the way of implementing a well planned out New World Order to oversee the population inhabiting this globe? Does it make any difference to us as long as this nation is allowed to live?

Should the Mexican Grey Wolf be reintroduced to the southwestern US ?

In 1998, 100 captive breed Mexican Grey Wolves (Canis lupis baileyi) were re-introduced to their native habitat in the southwestern United States, specifically the Blue Range Region between northeastern Arizona and northwestern New Mexico. Throughout the 2000's their numbers have decline rapidly (suggested causes include disease, prohibited hunting, and competition with other carnivores including coyotes and foxes). Formally, the Arizona Fish and Game Department (AZFGD) and New Mexico Game and Fish Department (NMGFD) were solely responsible for overseeing the reintroduction program. However, in 2008 congress voted to de-list the Mexican Grey Wolf as an endangered species because of its classification of sub-species of the Timberland Grey Wolf (Canis lupis lupis). Because of this the state agencies lost their funding and support from the federal government which they were receiving under the Endangered Species Act, and responsibility was turned over to the US Fish and Wildlife Department. Today, it is estimated that less than 40 individuals remain in the Blue Range, while its sister program in Yellowstone National Park reports over 300% increase in population since their re-introduction in 1983. What are your feelings on the reintroduction of the Mexican Grey Wolf, why do you think populations are declining in the Blue Range, and what should the federal government do about it?

My grand son is ten , with the brain of an adult . he has been talking about learning law . what do we do now?

he is a sponge . sokes up every thing and can talkl about subjects with great interest. i am 63 , left school at 15 , could not read or write . i went to sweden to ;learn engineering . this kickl started my brain into learning . i was there for three months . i still can speak get me by swedish . this may be the start of the begining for buster . he has years on my start . i need to help in any way i can . grandad pete.

My daughter is 10 years old?

She has been having this problem with sweating under the under arms. She doesn't stink cause the deodorant does work. She gets these huge sweat spots under her arm pits, she is embarred by it. Someone told me to make sure her deodorant is a antiperspirant well it is so now I don't know what to do. Please any advise will be helpful. Thank you

Auto manufacturers in the US?

over the years there has been alot of talk about car makers originally based in the US, ford, chevy, gm, shifting labor oversees while closing down US plants. i was just wondering if anyone had the statistics on how many plant employees of each company are both inside of the US and outside. also if anyone has stats on other auto makers such as toyota that have significant production in the US it would help. please and thank you

This is a little embarrasing but i need to know?

Unless you are itchy and sore all the time, it sounds to me like you just need to wash a little more- once a day with just warm water and your hand is plenty and make sure you get in where the smelly stuff is. If that doesn't sort you out maybe a trip to the doctor is in order to rule out thrush or a bacterial infection (both of which you can get if you are a virgin)... I'm sure it's all fine though.

Does anything in this world really belong to you forever?

your soul.your love, the impact a person has left on an individual,memories passed on to the living, hope and nostalgia. All a person can truly have are not material objects, but spiritual and it may seem bitter sweet,but in the long run it proves that we shouldn't save up treasures that will rust on earth, but spiritual treasures that we will endure in heaven.

2nd Interview - no response: what to do?

So I had 2 interviews for a great job. After interview #2 they said they'd notify everyone by the end of LAST week either way, if we got the job or not. Well, I got nothing -- no call, etc etc. So this week on Tuesday I called, left a message, and sent a followup email to the person who I'd report to since she was in all of my interviews and there is no particular HR contact. I just restated my interest and asked whether a decision was made. Again, no response. An insider told me that the HR person (who we think would be overseeing this) is out on vacation right now. So, do you think I still have a chance? They seemed to like me a lot and I am perfectly qualified for the job and seem to have the personality they were looking for. Why don't they get back to us when we are expected to be so perfect every step of the application-interview-thank you letter-way ??!!

How effective is the TBPE drug test in testing for weed/marijuana?

I'm going oversees to teach and one of the requirements is a health inspection/drug test. I've smoked every day for about a year now and am in the process of detoxing. i'll be going to korea in about 2 weeks. how effective is the tbpe drug test in tracing THC levels?

Viola tension problems?

I've had problems with the Kun rests lately too. I have one that I bought for my violin about 5 years ago, and I love it. It grips my violin really well and the foam is sooo comfortable! Last summer I bought a Kun for my viola, but I really don't like it. They use a different material for the feet now so it's always slipping off my viola, and they use a different foam now that's thinner and not as cushy and really uncomfortable! So I think I need to go back to my violin shop and try out some new ones, which you should do too. It's the best way to find out which one is the most comfortable. Some violists prefer not using one, but people with longer necks usually find this uncomfortable.

Mormons do not worship Joseph Smith!?

Joseph Smith is our Prophet who oversees our church. He is basically what The Pope is to the Catholics. Catholics do not worship the pope they just abide by his rules. And REAL TRUE mormons DO NOT IN ANY WAY practice polygamy. Polygamy is not what our Heavenly Father put us on this Earth to do! I think having more than one wife is horrible. Heavenly Father put us on this Earth to get married to the ONE person you want to spend forever and eternity with.

Can a pending child abuse investigation put a hold on a parents' visitation schedule?

As far as I know, you can try to call for an emergency order to temporary cease visitation. Here is a law article on factors that affect visitation rights: a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a Abuse is one of the reasons. Perhaps try and just consult another lawyer on the subject to see if your current one is accurate?

Should the compulsory education laws be abolished?

The first thing that should be done is abolish the teachers' unions. The second thing is we do away with vouchers for charter schools that are funded by those with radical agendas and replace them with vouchers for parents who pay taxes that enable their children to attend schools within the county, but not necessarily in their school district. Find out which schools are attracting the most students and why. Either do away with schools that are not functioning properly or implement new ideas that are making the other schools effective. Give more freedom to parents in home schooling. The government should not be able to decide how your children will be educated. If the kid doesn't aspire to go to college and be successful, then why should the government care? They don't seem to care when this occurs in our public education system.

How much is a white sapphire worth?

I have an antique ring with a large white sapphire stone set in 14K gold (I think?). My dad found the stone while he was oversees in the Vietnam war. I'm just a little curious as to how much white sapphires go for, although I know it probably isn't much!

What laws do landlords have to abide by for a mobil home outside a park or community?

I need to know how to find updated laws for landlords whom oversee mobil homes that are not placed within parks and such... this link - ---shows what the laws are for a landlord in Mobile Home Parks.... but the unit my bf is renting, is NOT placed in "park." He is placed in a culdasac basically. Theres a two story home next door, then a fenced home on the other side... but there is ONE main garbage dumpster thing that all these people share... Im not sure what to consider my Bf's type of housing, but if i must guess it's a mobil home (has a hitch attatchment, hasnt been moved in years, plywood boards basically outlining the perimeter of the home, cheap wood insides, non waterproof paints, hidden/painted over/boarded over damages....ect) So anyone know some UPDATED laws for landlords to follow for SINGLED out mobil homes they rent out or what?

What is a shape consisting of three intersecting planes called?

Three planes that intersect in a point are called a "bundle." This happens when a set of 3 equations in 3 unknowns has a unique solution. These planes happen to have a 120' rotational relationship to each other, but I don't know the name of the solid they form.

Fat belly fetish?? I am attracted to fat belly's ?

I am attached to far belly's does anyone have any stories about them overseeing or know where I can find some?

Pink sponge rollers ???????????????????

okay so i have extremely thick hair like my pony tell will only wrap once !so thick! well i bought these pink sponge rollers from walmart (go to google and type pink sponge rollers and press images and that's what i got) anyway i washed my hair and rolled it and i was wondering how have your experience been with these rollers? or if you have thick hair and used other rollers what was the name and how did you like them?

Do i need counselling?

I would just try counselling. Try one session. Then, if you feel okay, then stop. As long as you're not depressed. I am very sorry for your losses. :(

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

To all you great cooks... how to make the perfect scone please?

Most important thing is not to overmix it. Bring it together in the bowl and then lightly finish it on the table. Don't use too much flour dust either. Just enough to stop it sticking to the table.

How to adapt on a Bake-well Tart?

Ok so in class we had to adapt on the bake well tart but, im not very creative. I put chocolate icing or melted chocolate and i put chocolate for the filing and chocolate chips in the sponge. And thats just not creative enough apparently to the teachers so i want help of how to adapt the bakewell tarts. Please help :)

Things to do for a water fight?

I am planning a water fight for the kids at my rec centres after school club. As its the last day of school for them, I thought of doing something fun and big for them. I already know of water balloons, water guns and some sponges. If anyone could think of some fun things to do with them and some ideas of other things I may need to get so they have the best time. Thank you.

In all seriousness, what has Obama accomplished since becoming President?

Bin Laden. In 2014 we'll find out when Obamacare goes into effect. Hopefully sickness won't still be the number 1 cause of bankruptcy then.

Different cake recipe please?

I have to make a cake, but I'm getting bored of the usual 'victoria sponge, choclate cake, banana cake' So I would like a different recipe. I have the basic ingredients; flour sr flour, brown sugar, caster sugar, powdered sugar, granulated sugar, bakign soda, bakign powder, butter, chocolate powder. Recipes please! :)

Why do people think they are better than someone else?

Sure, we have people and things to thank, but why does that mean we're not better? I don't think I'm better than one of those people who describe. I do think I'm better than a antisocial chav who's made nothing from his opportunities.

How do I as group moderator remove current group owner?

Current yahoo group owner of list I moderate is inactive/AWOL, has been from the start, isn't reachable by e-mail and I need to remove her as owner. Is there anyway to do this? I've emailed her, but to no avail. This needs to be done for management of the group. I myself have been "un-official" owner from beginning, but currently moderate and completely oversee the group and it's members etc. Any advise is welcome.

Can we get any help at all?

I have just found out that I am pregnant, although very unplanned (I was told I could not have children) the baby is wanted. My partner and I plan to live together when the baby is born, however he is moving away to a different town and I will go there with him later on. I wont be able to work once I have had the baby and intend to save as much as possible until then. He will be working full time but only earns �20,000. I am not stupid and know the costs of rent, bills, baby things will not be covered by his salary. We are not married and do not intend to. Will the government be able to help us until I return to work? I do not want to 'sponge' I just want whats best for my family.

How can liberals admire Che and still claim to support Democracy?

And what gave you the idea that "liberals" admire Che Guevara? I sure don't. Left-wing extremists, perhaps, but not "liberals"...

How do u ?anybody?

how do u french kiss does it take practice i feel so embarred that my bf wants to make out but i dont knowv how PLEAsE help!

A little uncomfortable with bras... Girlz???

Hi! Ok.I just bought bras.They are a little uncomfortable, and a little embarresed.I am 14 years old.Can you help me not be so embarred and make me feel better about wearing one.And why do I have to wear one???

Whats Happeing To Me ... Its Happeing More Often .... What do I Do .... Im Scared ?

It was really werid See It all Started after My Great Nana Died and Stright After That My boy Friend Broke Its Off ... I got Really mad and Upset about everything about not Knowing my Dad and Getting Bullyed Alot ..... Straight after that I was walking to school by my self and I started to think about something really werid .. I slowed down walked and stoped breathing then I got a really bad pain in my head and after That I started gasping for breath and Felt really dise and Like I was going to Fait .... I was by my self and Scared because It was all Happening and I could not Control any of it The slowing Down Or The Breathin It was like I had No Control ...... Now Its hapeending Like Two to Three Times a Day and Getting Worse and Longer .... I m Scared and Duno what to do ... and Embarred to tell anyone in case they Think Im Crazy ? ? ...... Whats worng with Me ??

Carbon filter media and meds?

one of my dear goldies has fin rot. so i'm treating the whole tank. but before i added the med i forgot to take the carbon out of the filter. i remembered just 30 min later and i took it out. is that long enough for the carbon to ruin my med. effect? and i couldn't 100% clean my filter and the sponges off carbon is that ok? i need answers please i love my goldfish more than anything.

How can I learn to think for myself?

If I were you WOULDN'T look into ADHD seeing as ADHD is bollocks and is usually caused by a simple food allergy. Sounds to me like you're having unnecessary pressure put on you and you've just had bad luck with bosses that haven't given you enough time to acclimatise to a task.

Problema runner 70cc !!?

ho un runner 70cc malossi sport ,pinasco pws, multivar e carbu 17.5 con filtro aria lavorato e red sponge malossi.....quando arrivo sui 95 /100 km/h inizia come a perdere potenza e i giri calano sensibilmente...inoltre se continuo a stare a manetta si spenge e si ferma...cosa puo essere???

How can i ask my crush out and make sure he says yes? and without me feeling embarrassed?

btw my friends have asked him out before for me but he got embarred infront of his mate's en ran off but i think he like's me too but just feels stupid to tell me or get his mate's to this is really frustrating plz help!

How to get permanent marker off of Bathroom tile?

Goo gone grafitti, oven cleaner, or oxyclean (mixed with hot water). Remember to leave them on for a bit. If you are cheap (like me) you may even use lighter fluid (with caution). Goo gone is essentially good smelling lighter fluid.

How does smoking weed affect intimate relationships?

one of my ex's smoked weed and had done for a lonng time. My step brother does aswell and i have to say that it didnt affect what either of them were like. My boyfriend sometimes got irritatied and tired easily etc, but it didnt make much of a difference to our relationship.

What happens if you cannot control and oversee what is yours?

Yes, it sounds like you might have a mild delusional disorder. However the problem with people in this predicament is that they often will not accept this diagnosis. Have a look at the information on "paranoid delusional disorder" and see how many of the boxes you can tick. The illness does not prevent afflicted persons from going about daily tasks, but it is usually rather obvious to others that there is someting wrong.

Does anyone know if a man is embarred if he had a errection problem?

This is for the guys. I had a date with a guy I've known for 2 years. I decieded we could have sex. He inishiated the sex part. He had been drinking a few beers earlier that night. The problem is he couldnt really get it up. He said he didnt know what was wrong with him and that next time it would be better. This happend Friday and now he is ignoring me. We work together. I am in the office and he is out in the field. I spoke to him on Monday very briefly. He said he would call me back and hasent yet. I dont know what to do. I'm not sure if he is embarresd or what. Please help.

What is your opinion about Scientology?

comparing the teachings of scientology with the bible, we see that the two have very little, if anything, in common. scientology only leads away from God and eternal life. scientology, while sometimes disguising its beliefs in christian-sounding language, in fact diametrically opposes christianity on every core belief. scientology is clearly, and most definitely, not christian.

Feel like sh"", why was I so stupid.. Ive just made it worse....?

Ok I knew that I had anxiety and phobia of doing speeches at school and with other stuff mildy... but I just went to the doctors with my mum to ask to be reffered to a psycologist... I was fine when I went in but just when the topic came up it just made me real anxious thinking about it so I sat there while she asked questions and crying basically.. looking like a complete idiot when I went in there to talk about a phoibia and now she just thinks that Im mad or something. shes prescribed me meds. I was crying in there when I wanted to talk about my phobia but she thinks I have generaalized anxiety disorder now and ughh even my mum was surprised with the I acted and shes totally embarred by me and we are all going on holiday with my family tomorrow and out with friends and Ive just ruined everything.. I was fine before I went in the surgery but now everythings just :( I have an appointment with a psycologist.. but now I feel like Im not myself, I feel like I really have a problem and I dont know whether to take the meds... they are citalopram but I dont want to be on meds??? I just feel hopeless the whole things on my mind now... I dont know what to do...

Maybelline instant age rewind eraser makeup?

it's the foundation with the little sponge thing on top. i really don't know how to use it.. or get it to work/open for that matter. how do i make it work? haha please and thankyou. xo

Will you be embarred that people know you're wearing hair extentions?

no, why would i be? i'm sure if i told my friends i was getting extensions they'd go out and get some with me, not look down at me for having fake hair. there's nothing to be ashamed of.

When will dumb Cons see that the economy had 0 regulations in 2007? Bush just turned on a magic Greed Switch?

Don't even try to say the recession was caused by the government. An exploratory committee conducted by congress did research and they said we needed more regulations. Congress says that congress did not cause the recession. Anyone who doesn't trust a group of politicians to give the truth is a crazy Con. If only we had a group of people that oversaw all of the banks and manipulated interest rates and the creation of money. Then the whole 2008 mess could have been avoided. When will Cons learn?

Do you think i should go for it?

It sounds like he is into you, so yes you should go for it. Ask him to hang out or something and see how it goes. Talk and joke with him and I'm sure you'll have a great time.

I'm about to get fired, what should i do??? BS reason behind all of this?

Do about what? The owner can fire you or lay you off if he wants to. It's his company. He can also reduce people's wages as long as they're still getting at least minimum wage.

5 day horse show checklist, corrections?

Sounds perfect! Just make sure you get emergency Information to put on a stall door that has your name as owner or whoever owns the horse, if not you. and an in case of emergency on call vet phone # I know we all hate to think something could go wrong, but just in case! :) good luck!

Don't conservatives realize that cutting taxes reduces the services of government?

You can't have it both ways. Who will oversee corporations? Who will take care of the environment? Who will run health care? Who will pave your highways?

What is behind the US Census Questions on Banking?

Last week, while at my cousins house, she was visited by a lady from the US Census Bureau about some 16 month survey that her house is now part of. After the usual spying on people --- the lady said that the FDIC paid for the the next set of questions, then some nonsense about confidentiality. The questions asked if the interviewees had a saving or checking account. If they ever cashed a check at a store or kiosk (Walgreen or Walmart). Every purchased a Money Order. Ever sent money overseas by a Money Order. Ever pawned anything or took a payday load. Most my cousin answered NO. But what were they looking for? Are they seeking people who are using cash to do transaction without a bank record or are sending money oversees to be converted to gold? Will the people who answer yes, be arrested?

Monday, July 11, 2011

What is with those ugg boots?

dude, this sounds like a rant. I;m a teenage girl and honestly, i wear them cause their warm and comfy and i wear them with sweats. And if thats what ugg astralia says then i guess! I use them for comfyness. not fashion. duh.

Why am i so sad all the time i hate it!?

okay im 16 years old and for some reason ever since like a month ago ive felt deppressed a lot not like thoughts of suicide just everything that used to interest me a lot dont anymore i hate it i wana be myself again whats going on? its scaring me, this isnt who i am ive always been a very outgoing person this is driving me crazy, ive been taking these weight lifting multivitamins called animal pack which i axually think might be causeing it i just stoped them today and went to a normal one could that really be the cause? im embarred to tell my parents that i might have depression i dont wana have to get prescription meds how do i solve this

Wax for underarms? where and what to buy?

hair is a little thicker but i am too embarred to go and get it done at a salon. where do the people at the salon buy their wax? it works really god and stuff at the stores is always so cheap and doesnt work. im not gonig to shave anymore. my friends and i were wondering. please please please.

Have you flown with british airways, did you like it?

im going oversees soon and im going with british are they?whats the service like? it comfortable? its gonna be about a 10 hour flight and will i have entertainment? if so what kind

Is it possible to buy a one year supply of birth control pills?

I might be going oversees for a year or so, and I can only buy a 3-month supply of birth control pills, even though I have a 1 year prescription. Does anyone who if I can purchase a 1 year supply and where?

My hands ache all the time?

Since starting my new job about a month ago my hands are always aching. They don't even get better over the weekend. They have actually got worse this weekend. It's 6pm on Sunday and I'm gonna take some pain killers. I thought my bones would get used to it but like I said it's been a month. My job involves a lot of gripping onto massive blocks of sponge and moving them around a lot. They weigh about 80kg (176lbs). I do this all day. My fingers and hands constantly ache. I've got quite soft and small hands for a 29 year old man. Am I likely to be doing any long term damage?

What is this hair dye called?

My mom told me about this new hair dye / hi lighting product that she saw a commercial for on tv. She said you put spacers where you want the hi lights and apply the dye with this "sponge thing" and the dye dries instantly. I tried looking on the hair color sites that I could think of but nothing..

Sycotic problem!!?!?!?

ok, i almost 12, and my life isn't happy. i have all these systems and such at my school. because i dont behave well, in class, and i get 1 warning and im in the office. i keep thinking of suicide, particulary, choking. my life is so stressful. i have these to kids at my school, john and emily, that are one of the large sources of stress. i am not productive with work, my mom says im going threw puberty, but i dont know. i am teased alot at school and a lot of kids think im ugly. my dad yells a lot. and i dont know im embarred but i dont even no if im straight. my mom says i am. i think some guys are hott, and she says she thinks osme girls are hott. i juts dont know what to do. and i have anxeity attacks a lot. please help!!!!!!!!!!

My Mom is Controlling My life... Help!!!?

ok here is what ur going to do, go grab a pen, and paper! now divide the paper.. ok on one side write down, everything ur feeling, on the other write down questions u wanna ask ur mom. now, i want u to ask her, and write down her reasons, then report back to me,,, lols ok so explain the no sex thing? did she have sex b4 marriage? if so what does she feel ruined her life from it? now i was 18 b4 i did, and im with the same man, 7 years and we r not married. by my choice, he has debt lol. u are 22 hun, u shouldnt let her voice in ur dateing life,, no parent wants their kids doing the wildthing, but its natural. if u wanna wait til ur married gr8, then wait, but stop letting her make ur choices, she led her life as she chose, and she will have her own regrets, as will u and everyone else, but atleast it is ur regrets ur chose and not the regret of letting someone choose 4 u.

Calling Doctor Who fans...?

Are you embarred to tell people you are a fan of Doctor Who, when i told someone recently o like the show i tihnk she thought i was talking aboutrough p.o.r.n or something. Have you experienced this and do you think it is worse for girls (which i am). Thanks for your answers in advance, we need to support one anouther.

Does this sound safe (sex related)?

To be honest, I think it is just because you are over thinking it. sometimes I get my bloated/gassyness a few days after my period ended.

What should i do ?!?!?

how are you supposed to be nice to someone that is not there? If he is too busy for you, then you should move on, never met my biological father and I have a real great dad! All you can do is be kind and understanding of the issue. but I can understand that it's hard to feel empathy for someone who is not there for you, and they need you now for support, but I think you should still say sorry about the upsetting news, but as far as caring much, I wouldn't in your shoes.

Are there people in your e-family who are embarred that you're in their e-family?

There are some people in my e-family who aren't putting in their about me that I'm their adopted alien!

Lol, who in their right mind would give 0bama a "transparency" award?

Well he got the Nobel Peace Prize and here we are blowing up another country. Why not the transparency award too? That suits him just as much as the peace prize did. He's just as peaceful as he is transparent.

Need Help with Movie i am writing?

rahn and brianna ,but the black man white woman has been done over and over.they can be opposite and still be the same color .she's a senior and two years older did she fail or something.if he is shy why can't he be just that, and be pu**y whipped buy the older chick who means well but is just to much for him to handle.and let the girl he abandoned her for be his age but is really the true freak and only wants him for a hot night at the prom. p.s i would love to play the older chick!!!

Why are females no shallow?

like they hurt ugly males feelings they turn them down and they act like a ugly male is not suppose to get a girlfriend or even live for that matter maybe its just where i am at in baltimore seems like a lot of girls go straight for looks. Like i once had a slut over my house to sleep with her but she sleep with 3 friends of mine and 2 in my room and the other in his house and wouldnt sleep with me cause im ugly . And on facebook girls are so mean to me cause im ugly i say hi to a girl she say leave me the hell alone ur ugly. As well as in person the girl embarred me infront of alot of people saying ur ugly out loud for lots of people to hear it. Its seems like girls are just naturally mean to ugly people i hope to god i get a girl one day but these girls are making me lose my hope. WHY ARE FEMALES SO SHALLOW TOWARDS MALES ABOUT LOOKS?

Is it okay to have 2 internal filters in a 60l tank?

they are both sponge cartridge and there maximum L is 50L. i just really dont want to under filter and as i already have the filter which i only just bought(as i upgraded tank after just a few weeks). so can u over filter or will that be fine i have 10 fish all small thank you x

Who all thinks that??

Obviously a man is a man with actions. The guy you compared yourself to, in my opinion, isn't a man, but a coward who hits women. You have more to offer and girls will see that eventually when they feel safe with you.

Why can't Liberals admit?

U.S.Veteran gave a typical lib answer which is, don't actually answer the question, just change the subject. Libs won't ever admit their culpability in all the things that caused the economy to crash because if they did they know that they would never be given the chance to screw up the country ever again. Ever.

Can anyone help me Myspace?

im a boy got a crush on selena (=Okay i was gonna send Selena gomez a Comment of Hello kitty i went to and it said copy code then i pressed Myspace then the Hello kitty glittery comment went on my myspace page and i cant delete it off i go to edit profile and its not there HELP im embarred LOL (=

Im so upset ;( i really do love him?

ok, i have liked my brothers friend for the last year. a few months ago while out he kissed me and he was being very friendly towards me, im completly in love with him and thought about him everyday when he was away at university, i would play out in my head what it would be like when hes back and that wed be together, almost to the point of obsession, ive neve rever loved anyone this much. Then last night i went out clubbing with some friends and he was there with my brother, i got quite drunk, and took him over to a corner and was being really touchy with him and telling him i really liked him, but he jsut told me straight out that nothing can ever happen as hes my brothers friend, and literly pushed me off him, i spent the rest of the evening crying and i feel so so stupid. hes all ive thought about for weeks and i jsut dont know what 2 do with myself, and im jsut so embarred, now all my brothers friends no about it anf ill be so embarresed when he coems over our house.

My wife has been receiving phone calls from creditors threatening debtor prison for fraud, can they jail her?

credit cards turned over to collecion agents. they call my wife at work threatening to press felony fraud charges for no repayment of debt. we don't know if they can really charge us with felonies or are they attempting to scare her. she is a wreck from the harrassing calls and embarred to receive them at work. we have one wage garnishment against us. i had an emergency operation last spring that has put us way behind on credit card bills . now we are facing the bill collectors and collection agencies. now what? can we really be charged as felons and go to debtors jail?

What barrier methods of contraception are there?

The only other barrier method that I can think of would be the diaphragm. It's a little cap looking device that sits over your cervix. Good luck!

Obama meeting Swarzenegger on immigration?

Wow! Now there is an extreme case of the clueless leading the clueless. I predict nothing good will come from that little get together. Of course, nothing good has came from anything obamadinejhad does.

Can a hamster chew on golf tees?

i have a winter white hamster and he dont like his sponge and his wood toys.i was wondering could he chew on some of my golf tees

I have really big boy problem i asked a boy out when i didnt mean to! ?

try and fix any damamge youve dne, become friends for a few weeks then ask him out if you think he feel the same

Why does Obama say one thing, then do the opposite; I would think a "giftted" speaker as he would know better?

obama is a fraud...he does one thing, and "brand obama" does another. he only says what the majority of people want to hear, then goes behind the scenes only to persue his own adgenda

Mabey a bit too protective?

ive just turned 13, and for adges my mum and dad have always said that "m not even a ten yet" but now i am. and it seems to makeno diffrence! my mum wont let me shave my leg with a ravor,so i have to use cream or wax, but im not alloud to do the top half of my leg (thigh). its so embarring. i have emzma aswell so i get sooooo embarred by my legs! my mum doesnt listen to how i fell about it or anything! but never mind taht, im 13,and in summer, im not aloud out past 6 ... even though its bright and sunny!!! all my other friends are alloud to do most ordaniny things, but not me. all my firends can go underage clubbing, but not me. they sa im not old enough even though i am !!!!!! i dont understand, my mum is also sooooo embarrishing!!!! at my *** 1th she dressed up soooo embarrishly, even though i asked her - begged her not too! i just want to be like everyone else, but im not alloud to be, ijust want to hang out with my firends, but i cant most the time, i cant take it any more!!!!! i want to run away from time to time, but i cant do that!!!! i cant do that to myself and more imporantly to my family!!! i cant speak to my mum,, as it just ends up in an argument! i cant take this.. i dot know what to do, just help please!!!!!

Need advice on a guy situation?

There's a guy we have friends with benefits relationship. We good as friends, but as couple, i reall don't know, we have different opinions, he has some things i really can't understand and it's not me, but i see his good side too and sex is awesome he is a great guy, but i don't really think he might be for me. Eventully I see he developed some kind of feelings for me too. The thing is the sex or that we spend most of the time together, i started missing him and getting some kind of feelings, wanting his attention and so on. We still have our seperate lives, like he is seeing someone, i go on a dates, we don't sleep with other people, more we are looking for our soulmates. The thing he broke up a year ago with his long term girlfriend over some other girl he known for years, but couldn't be with her until she got divorced. I can see he was confussed which one to pic and eventually his ex left him and this other girl he has affection to do�sn't want to get serious with him. I know he has somekind of feelings for her, he says he could't be with her, but one time i accidently oversaw they're conversation and he was talking about kids, feelings and so on with her. Should I tell that i am developing something for him and just let him be? I wanted to cut this all communication of ours, but he doesn't let me go,he wants to see me, comes to my place and so on, but i noticed i'm getting hurt of his other relationship. Or should i just not say anything and try o let it fade away? I am confussed what would be the best deal to solve it, he never came to me about his feelings, but i know he feels something through his actions, but i am not sure it's strong enough.

Can I use beeswax to shine my bike frame?

I washed it before and I used the hard side of a sponge, like a clown will the wax get that shine it had before?

Why is my mom ignoring me?

stop seeing that guy if he has a girlfriend thats trashy... she probly doesnt want to talk to u because your silly and talking to you would make her more angry you sound like u think ur grown and u sound out of place instead of judging her u should help her out and tell her ur not talking to that guy even if ur lying ur leg is busted... u have two legs... get up and help her since ur living for free

Does anything in this world really belong to you forever?

Impressions you made on others, imprints you left on earthly physical surroundings, things you did that changed survivors lives. Authors and artists leave written words that forever are their belongings.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Do you think there is a globalist conspiracy to keep people "dumbed down" through the news?

It is not a conspiracy , it is the money every where around who are trying to raise profit regardless to the human or social disadvantages.I am trying hard to convince family members to reduce their TV hours to a minimum .

Arrghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh my gearbox?

i have a corsa 53 reg and the gearbox is doing my head in it will never go in to first gear and it jumps out all the time. i have really ram it hard to get it in and stay then i can not get it out. the worst bit is at lights when i have to go into first gear i get all embarred cos i think pepole think i carnt drive when i can its my bloody car. i got it from gmd and i have just been along and book it in for a service which is gonna cost me �130 quid i hope they bloming fix it. it have a two year warranty on the car and this is its first service . has any1 eles had problem with theres. thanks

I've never had a Boyfriend, is this wrong?

Kissing isn't so hard, so don't worry. Puh-lease trust me when I say, there are people in their 20s and 30s who have never kissed someone of the opposite sex. So don't worry. Just be sure to put yourself out there! No reason to be embrassed, a lot of people have never been in a relationship.

What do crickets eat?

Crickets usally do well eating god food or even some of ur rats pellets i mean they do very well alsoo with dried up fruit


Ok so it started a week ago this girl named alyssa talked to me n then 2 days after that i met this girl named nikka which is alyssas best friend then we figured out we started likin each other... n then alyssa starts telling lies to nikka that are about me because she is jealous now we hate each other... so today at school a whole bunch of girls came up to me n my friends n started laughing at me(they were popular girls)...n then alyssa starts saying i like this girl named jazlyn(which is not true) so they started spreading a bad rumor about me in the whole entire school n now im bein laughed at every single embarred n i just want my life to be back to normal god alyssa is a ******