Saturday, July 16, 2011

Ladies: How important is it that a guy be successful?

I kind of like older guys and people call me a gold digger. I always hear people say, "You don't see younger girls going after older guys who work at McDonald's, do you?" But I was thinking, even when I have my eye on a younger guy, I don't date guys who aren't successful. I think it says a lot about someones personality if they are content to work for minimum wage rather than go out, get an education and achieve their potential. I dated a guy who was happy saying "as long as I have a job, why do you care?" when he worked part-time and kind of sponged off me. So maybe it's materialistic, but I just can't stand a guy who won't or can't support himself. I support myself and don't expect a guy to take care of me. What do you other ladies think?

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