Monday, July 18, 2011

How Much $ do Oil Co.s spend on the 800 lobbyists they hire to keep Our Gov. in THEIR POCKETS?

The Special interests spent an unheard of $6 BILLION in the run up to last Nov. 2nd elections to make Americans believe that electing more of the Same Corporate puppets who for 8 yrs ran up the worst deficit spending in history, overseen the collapses of Wall Street, Banks ,Housing Market and this latest recession feeding our current Unemployment stats,, Started 2 unnecessary wars that cost over $3 trillion and a Rx drug plan Give away to the Drug Co.s Then passed THAT $4.3 TRILLION bill (deficit spending) on to the next President were the ones who would fix our spending problems. Now they are taking $Millions$ from lobbyists to keep the Welfare for the richest Co.s in the world flowing while they cut Grandma's heath care benefits across the country! The ? was How much do oil co. spend to keep this welfare flowing? Here is what I found..The CEOs from the five major oil companies -- which together booked $36 billion in profits in the first quarter ( 3 months) of 2011 alone -- went to the Senate yesterday to try to justify the $4 billion in tax giveaways they're receiving this year.(Because Bush made the subsidies LAW!) These five companies are expert manipulators of the money-for-influence game in Washington that the President is working to change. It's simple math -- they spent more than $145 million last year on nearly 800 lobbyists whose job is to defeat bills like this one. The $4 billion they'll likely get to keep as a result represents a 2,700% return on their investment.(Source ; White House)

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